Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Final Project!: Sunday Sunday Opening

Ciao, ragazzi!

Finally done! Here's my final project, the opening for Adam Rucker's YouTube Show "Sundae Sunday"! There's no audio yet, I'll probably have it up tomorrow.


Sundae Sunday Opening (No Audio) from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pre-Final Project #1: Sunday Sundae Title Scene

Ciao, Ragazzi!

Can I just say that these final weeks of school are KILLING me! I'm sorry, did that sound too overdramatic...?

Seriously, though it's gonna be tough to get all these projects done. BUT I WILL!

For my final project in this class, I decided to do a little favor for a friend of mine (actually, I begged and pleaded with him to let me). His name is Adam Rucker. Heard of him? Well, you should because he's a bonafide YouTube sensation! I'm being serious. People actually recognize him on the street. (I wish I could say it didn't go to his head buuuuut...........that would be a lie.) :)

Anyway, I want to create a title sequence for his weekly youtube show/vlog, Sunday Sundae. To help you understand what the show actually is, here's an example episode below.
(This one features me, so it was the obvious choice to post...)

Awesome, right? No, I actually meant me, but the show was pretty good too.

My inspiration for the title sequence is actually the Arrested Developement Opening. Here it is.

Basically, it'll only be around 10 or 15 seconds and include pictures of him (probably eating a Sundae....see what I did there?) and a couple of short sound bites from his past episodes.

I think it's gonna be fantastic!

Assignment # 10 - CafePalm Title Dust

Ciao, ragazzi!

For my particle assignment, I created a little title shot for CafePalm (me!). It's actually modeled after a tutorial (which if you haven't been to that site, you NEED to) but I made a couple of tweaks here and there to get what I wanted.

I used Trapcode's Particular to generate the particles for this assignment and created sand-like dust to help bring the title in and out. Poof! There it is. Whoosh! There it goes!

I'm pleased on how it turned out and really excited that I got to work with particles and some expressions. Enjoy!

Particle Sand from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.

Assignment # 9 - Basketball Highlights

Ciao ragazzi!

For my motion tracking assignment, I also wanted to create some examples for the sports (in this case, basketball) highlight and recruitment reels I'm working on with my dad and his M5 Digital Studios. He asked me if I could come up with some examples on bringing the focus of the recruiter's attention to the highlighted player so they don't get lost or confused while looking at the shots.

I created three different examples, however they're all using the same highlight clip. To make them, I just motion tracked the main player. The automatic tracker got a alittle confused when the other players started jumping in the way, but I simply re-adjusted the track and kept going.

Which one do you guys like best? Personally, I think the arrow one looks kinda silly, but I think the other two are fairly effective.

Arrow Example from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.

Text Float Example from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.

Mask Shadow Example from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.