Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Assignment #4: Nighttime

Ciao, ragazzi!

Sorry, guys. This one's a little bootleg...and by that, I mean I'm not very impressed with it. The scene is set in the hills under a star-filled night sky. I wanted to animated a glowing meteor flying through the sky but it just wasn't working. I tried to have the glitter follow the meteor like Ben's fish example, but I'm not really sure I fully understood how he did it.

Oh well! This gives me something to build on for the next project.

As far as the assignment requirements:
I used the ease in and outs for the movement out from the sky. I also used the parenting tool for the squash and stretch entrance for the hills and the clouds. That allowed me to bring them in using the same style but still be able to animate the cloud movements later.

(And even though you can't tell from the video I did use nested compositions. I love pre-composing! All that clutter really annoys me....)

Nighttime from Alex McCrea on Vimeo.

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